Sunday, October 2, 2011

Troy Davis Memorial

Troy Davis was murdered by the state of Georgia on Septermber 21st and buried by his family and friends like Dick Gregory on October 1st.

I attended the memorial service for Troy Davis in Harlem at Riverside Church and live-blogged the event on Twitter. No NBA players attended the memorial in Harlem (guess they were too busy with the NBA lockout), but my tweets are published below.

From: @MIA_Heat_Index
Sent: Oct 1, 2011 11:40a

#GoneButNotForgotten I'm at the #TroyDavis Memorial in Harlem at Riverside Church

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On Twitter:

From: @MIA_Heat_Index
Sent: Oct 1, 2011 11:43a

"We kill ppl to show them how NOT to kill ppl? How strange we are..." Rev. Phelps of Riverside Church on #TroyDavis

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On Twitter:

From: @MIA_Heat_Index
Sent: Oct 1, 2011 11:45a

"If [Christians] claim to have no fear of death, then why is that the worst thing a person can do?" Rev. Phelps on #TroyDavis

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On Twitter:

From: @MIA_Heat_Index
Sent: Oct 1, 2011 11:49a

"Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did & it never will." F. Douglass, 1857. Demand death penalty's abolished #TroyDavis 2011

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On Twitter:

From: @MIA_Heat_Index
Sent: Oct 1, 2011 11:51a

Yusef Salaam (one of wrongfully convicted Central Park joggers) now speaking at #TroyDavis memorial in Harlem

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On Twitter:

From: @MIA_Heat_Index
Sent: Oct 1, 2011 11:58a

When Yusef Salaam says #IamTroyDavis it has a little more resonance

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On Twitter:

From: @MIA_Heat_Index
Sent: Oct 1, 2011 12:02p

Monifah Bandele from Malcolm X Grassroots Movement: "The key question is, 'Who are you?' I am #TroyDavis"

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On Twitter:

From: @MIA_Heat_Index
Sent: Oct 1, 2011 12:13p

James Baldwin: "To be black & conscious in america is to be in a constant state of rage" Word to #TroyDavis

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On Twitter:

From: @MIA_Heat_Index
Sent: Oct 1, 2011 2:03p

Things I learned from #TroyDavis memorial: 13th amendment didn't abolish slavery, it just moved it from plantations to prisons. "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime shall exist within the U.S."

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On Twitter:

After the memorial, the Campaign to End the New Jim Crow held an organizing meeting to figure out how to prevent others from being murdered by the government like Troy Davis. Those interested in helping them make a difference can join here.

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