Monday, October 10, 2011

HEAT Shit List: Fake Ass Fans

LeBron James gave props to some of his true fans after the South Florida All-Star Classic. What should he have said to his fake fans?

To paraphrase the late Tupac Shakur, “It’s not about owners or players. It’s about production and profits, power and money, riders and punks. Which side are you on?”

If you support the owners in the NBA lockout, then you’re a fake ass fan. What have the owners done for you fake ass fans to earn your support in the NBA lockout? Do you even realize they’re the ones that are planning to cancel the season? They stopped the players from playing, not the other way around.

If you support the owners, then do you have a Dan Gilbert jersey? Is his name on the back in Comic Sans for you fake ass fans?

If you think the NBA players should just accept 51.5 percent of basketball-related income, then you’re a fake ass fan. Why should the players take less than the 57 percent they received last season as the NBA set records for ticket sales and TV ratings?

After their next game, basketball stars like LeBron should follow Eminem’s lead and give an encore for the fake ass fans out there.

It goes a little something like this...

Fuck all you 51.5ers...

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