Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Off the Index: Joe Paterno, the Distinguished Gentleman

Summing up the Joe Paterno and Penn State sex scandal in 140 characters or less...

Tweets on Joe Paterno and Penn State:

Players: Kim Jones reported that team captains told players the scandal has nothing to do w/ them, focus on Nebraska.

Hypocrisy: Line from Penn State alma mater: "may no act of ours bring shame" Time to remix that shit...

Why Paterno goes to jail: Sandusky was at practice last Thur/Fri. Deuces, Joe Pa.

On Paterno's future: His old ass is going to jail & I wouldn't be surprised if they find more pedophiles on staff.

Critics defend Paterno: #NowPlaying @LeBatardShow Monday podcast: Discussion of Paterno was complete piece of shit. When Stugotz is the most logical it's a problem.

Paterno will lose his job: He's on his way to jail RT @ZaslowShow: Got to figure Paterno is fired today.

Critics defend Paterno II: RT @EthanJSkolnick: don't want to hear anymore from likes of Matt Millen that Paterno is "a fighter." He should have fought for those kids.

Game over: IT'S A WRAP for JoePa RT @daldridgetnt: Um, oops. RT @AP: BREAKING: Paterno cancels weekly news conference amid ex-coach's sex scandal.

Why Paterno goes to jail, II: #NowPlaying Penn St alum Kim Jones on Mike Francesa podcast: Paterno's ass is GOING TO JAIL for allowing pedophile to bring kids to practice

Penn State football is sickening: #NP Penn St alum Kim Jones on Mike Francesa podcast: One of Paterno's coaches caught Sandusky raping a 10-yr old in the shower... goddamn

Sandusky dared society to stop him: #NowPlaying Penn St alum Kim Jones on Mike Francesa podcast: Jerry Sandusky's book was titled "Touched." GTFOH... smh

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